Ah, the new year. Time for that mental image of a clean slate and starting anew.
Many of us think of making resolutions and getting organized.
are your resolutions this year? Do any of them have to do with living
your dreams? Finding your life passion? Feeling more fulfilled? Falling
in love with life?
Why not make 2014 the year you do something you’ve always dreamed of?
When you pinpoint that special something, get organized in order to make it happen. You can begin by making a list of everything you need to do to work toward making your dream a reality.
1 — Research. Find out what special requirements you’ll need in order to fulfill your dream.
2 — Break it down. Write down the steps you need to take to accomplish
your dream. This makes achieving your dream manageable, not
3 — Create a special dream calendar. Customize your very own calendar (paper or electronic)
that you use exclusively for writing all your to-dos related to
fulfilling your dream.
A customized calendar is important for two reasons. First, you don't really want a calendar of your life's dreams and passions cluttered with your schedule of bill payments and dental appointments, do you?
And second, you can customize a calendar with your own photos and artwork that relate to your dream. These will serve as visual reminders of your dreams on a daily basis.
It's also simple to do. One way is to download and print a free 2014 calendar template at Calendarpedia, then customize with your own pictures.
4 — Commit to one goal a month. Each month, do at least one thing that pertains to living your dream. Looking at your dream calendar every day will help keep you motivated.
5 — Live your dream, day by day. As you do things on your list, written and illustrated in
your special calendar, remember, you ARE already living your dream. The journey is just as important as the destination.
Find your wings … at any age.